The show is on. For those who are just visiting this blog, I'd like to explain exactly what are project "Building's of Broadway" is. It's a documentary that expands on the stories we have received over the past months about downtown Albert Lea. It's a collaboration of stories on the history of downtown throughout the years. Through the eyes of the residents, a glimpse of what downtown Albert Lea meant to a community. At a time when there wasn't shopping malls or superstores, a downtown was the thriving heartbeat of shopping, eating, and night life. Everything was centrally located. With the idea of being a collection of stories, all the facts may approach the lines of fiction with the exact details of the history of downtown. But the idea is there, and it's captured in "Buildings of Broadway." Ideally the film is intended to be a conversation starter, with the ability to evolve and in means become a definitive history of downtown Albert Lea. With that said, it's been a pleasure to bring this project into fruition and see a great response from the community. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays (and come to the show!) I've enclosed photos from the film. Hope all will enjoy.
100 block of Broadway
Broadway theatre in the 1940's
The Canton Cafe in the 1970's
Colonel Albert Lea Days in the 1930's
Downtown Albert Lea, the 1940's